Paul lays out proper relationships for Christians in the previous verses. A foundation of Christ-like humility, coupled with an important understanding of place in the world and role in our lives.
Ultimately we do these things to serve God. Everything we do, whether in word or deed, is rightly done in the name of the LORD.
So, with this at the front of our minds… we would ask ourselves: how do we serve the LORD God when the world seeks our destruction (at worst), and our degradation (at the very least)?
Put on the full armor of God: The armor of God protects us from the “slings and arrows of the evil one.” When the world seeks to damage us (in mind, body, soul, or reputation) or even to kill us, God’s armor protects the most important part of us - our spirit. We need the full armor, as each piece is important.
We need the Belt of Truth to reject the lies this world attempts to sell us - lies that deny that Christ is LORD. We need Christ’s righteousness as a protective plate of armor over our chest, keeping our heart pure. The shield we carry is the faith we have in God’s redemptive plan, and ability to save us from our sin. Christ, as our eternal head covering, constantly in prayer for us at God’s right hand is our “helmet of salvation.” Our Bible as our most effective offensive weapon against the enemy… the accuser! And finally, but none the less important, we must pray to our LORD seeking His Will and staying alert at all times… evil is lurking around every corner (even in our own hearts).
Resist evil: this may seem the simplest … but it is often the enemy we turn our back to, no matter how small, that has the easiest time getting us. Obviously we must resist evil… evil things… evil in our hearts… evil people or evil “opportunities” in our lives. But if we simply see those things as “too obviously evil” that we wouldn’t possibly fall into that trap… we will.
It is our calling, once grounded in Christ, to resist the evil this world entices us with. Far too often the evil of this world “comes as an angel of light.” It looks not only innocent but actually good…!
But thanks be to God that we aren’t called to resist evil, and then left to our own devices, methods, and strength! No! We have the Armor of God mentioned before! It is with that armor that we can stand firm when temptation strikes.
Prepare for battle: the life of the Christian is not going to be one of cheery sunshine and rainbows. Glorious days of rest and ease. No. Christ told us to pick up our cross and follow Him. He told us to die to ourselves. We are commanded to sell what we have and buy a sword. Life following Christ is a life long spiritual battle.
“In this world are devils filled… threatening to undo us!” Martin Luther knew full well what it mean to engage in both a powerful spiritual warfare, and a powerful defense of Truth before earthly powers. The Christian is not called to a life of earthly bliss. Instead we are called to eternal glory. Our time on this earth is one of service to our LORD, and a “reasoned defense of the hope that we have” (1 Peter 3:15).
Christian! Prepare yourself for battle! Clean your Armor. Whet the Sword of Truth. Speak with your Commander through prayer. Polish the Helmet, Breastplate, and Shield. Make ready the Belt and Sandals. Each day could be your - my - last… so do not abstain from living each day for our Master!
Stand firm on the Rock: ultimately… we stand firm in one place. We may have a polished and prepared set of Armor. We may have a successful strategy for fleeing evil, and for battling evil. But where do we make our stand against the “slings and arrows” of the present evil?
Each day, plant your feet - dear Christian - on the Rock of our Salvation (Psalm 89:26). At the Cornerstone of our faith (Mark 12:10). Stand boldly beside the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5). When we face the world which seeks our destruction, we don’t do so idly or alone. We go into battle against evil clad in the Armor of God with God leading the charge!
Christian, today, as you go about your day remember that you do not go alone! You do not face temptations or evils without the True Aslan beside you! You fight against your sin with the Prince of Peace beside you… the Spirit of the Living God inside you… and the Father of all creation holding you in the palm of His mighty hand!